![]() |
Files | |
asset.h | |
Asset Subsystem. | |
audio.h | |
Audio Subsystem. | |
ay8910.h | |
backtrace.h | |
Backtrace (call stack) support. | |
console.h | |
Console Support. | |
controller.h | |
Controller Subsystem. | |
cop0.h | |
N64 COP0 Interface. | |
cop1.h | |
N64 COP1 Interface. | |
debug.h | |
Debugging Support. | |
debugcpp.h | |
dfsinternal.h | |
Internal DFS Definitions. | |
dir.h | |
Directory handling. | |
display.h | |
Display Subsystem. | |
dlfcn.h | |
Dynamic linker subsystem. | |
dma.h | |
DMA Controller. | |
dragonfs.h | |
DragonFS. | |
eeprom.h | |
EEPROM support. | |
eepromfs.h | |
EEPROM Filesystem. | |
exception.h | |
Exception Handler. | |
fmath.h | |
Fast math routines, optimized for 3D graphics calculations. | |
font.h | |
Font Data. | |
graphics.h | |
2D Graphics | |
interrupt.h | |
Interrupt Controller. | |
joybus.h | |
Joybus Subsystem. | |
libdragon.h | |
Main include file for programs seeking to link against libdragon. | |
mempak.h | |
Controller Pak Filesystem Routines. | |
mi.h | |
MI register definitions. | |
mixer.h | |
RSP Audio mixer. | |
n64sys.h | |
N64 System Interface. | |
n64types.h | |
Custom types used by libdragon. | |
pputils.h | |
rdp.h | |
RDP: Hardware Display Interface. | |
rdpq.h | |
RDP Command queue. | |
rdpq_attach.h | |
RDP Command queue: surface attachment API. | |
rdpq_constants.h | |
rdpq_debug.h | |
RDP Command queue: debugging helpers. | |
rdpq_macros.h | |
RDP command macros. | |
rdpq_mode.h | |
RDP Command queue: mode setting. | |
rdpq_rect.h | |
RDP Command queue. | |
rdpq_sprite.h | |
RDP Command queue: high-level sprite loading and blitting. | |
rdpq_tex.h | |
RDP Command queue: high-level texture/surface loading and blitting. | |
rdpq_tri.h | |
regsinternal.h | |
Register definitions for various hardware in the N64. | |
rsp.h | |
Low-level RSP hardware library. | |
rspq.h | |
RSP Command queue. | |
rspq_constants.h | |
rtc.h | |
Real-Time Clock Subsystem. | |
samplebuffer.h | |
Sample buffer. | |
sprite.h | |
2D Graphics | |
surface.h | |
Surface buffers used to draw images. | |
system.h | |
newlib Interface Hooks | |
timer.h | |
Timer Subsystem. | |
tpak.h | |
Transfer Pak interface. | |
usb.h | |
wav64.h | |
Support for WAV64 audio files. | |
xm64.h | |
Efficient XM module player. | |
ym64.h | |
Player for the .YM64 module format (Arkos Tracker 2) | |