No Matches
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 C_callback_linkStructure of an interrupt callback
 C_SI_condatSI Nintendo 64 controller data
 C_SI_condat_gcSI GameCube controller data
 CAI_regs_tRegister definition for the AI interface
 Caplib_decompressor_tAPLib decompressor
 Casset_compression_tA decompression algorithm used by the asset library
 Casset_header_tHeader of a compressed asset
 CAY8910A AY-3-8910 emulator
 CAYChannelA AY-3-8910 channel
 CAYEnvelopeEnvelope of AY-3-8910
 CAYNoiseNoise of AY-3-8910
 Cbacktrace_frame_tA stack frame, part of a backtrace
 Cbt_func_tDescription of a function for the purpose of backtracing (filled by __bt_analyze_func)
 Cchannel_limit_tConfigured limits of a mixer channel
 Ccolor_tGeneric color structure
 Ccolorcombiner_tDecoded SET_COMBINE command
 Cdecompress_ringbuf_tA ring buffer used for streaming decompression
 Cdfs_lookup_file_tData for a single file in dfs_lookup_t
 Cdfs_lookup_tData for DFS file lookup used to speed up file open performance
 Cdfs_open_file_tOpen file handle structure
 Cdir_tDirectory entry structure
 Cdirectory_entry_tRepresentation of a directory entry
 CDl_infoDl_addr info structure
 Cdso_module_tDSO module data
 Cdso_reloc_tDSO relocation
 Cdso_sym_tDSO symbol
 Ceepfs_entry_tEEPROM filesystem configuration file entry
 Ceepfs_file_tEEPROM Filesystem file descriptor
 Centry_structure_tStructure representing a save entry on a Controller Pak
 Centry_tROMPAK TOC entry
 Cexception_tStructure representing an exception
 Cfilesystem_tFilesystem hook structure
 Cfs_mapping_tFilesystem mapping structure
 Cgameboy_cartridge_headerGame Boy cartridge ROM header structure
 Cgameboy_cartridge_header.__unnamed44__Union of possible structures for the game title bytes
 Cheader_tROMPAK TOC header
 Cjoybus_msg_tA message to be sent to JoyBus, with its completion callback
 Clz4dec_faststate_tFast-access state of the LZ4 algorithm (streaming version)
 Clz4dec_state_tState of the LZ4 algorithm (streaming version)
 Cmainexe_sym_info_tInformation to load main executable symbol table
 Cmixer_channel_tMixer channel state - CPU side
 Cmixer_event_tA mixer event (synchronized with sample playback)
 Cnew_gbc_title"New" Game Boy Color cartridge ROM header title structure
 Cold_gbc_title"Old" Game Boy Color cartridge ROM header title structure
 Copus_fft_pass_tDescription of a single pass of the FFT
 CPI_regs_tRegister definition for the PI interface
 Crdp_buffer_tA buffer sent to RDP via DMA
 Crdpq_blitparms_tBlitting parameters for rdpq_tex_blit
 Crdpq_block_state_tRDP block management state
 Crdpq_block_tA buffer that piggybacks onto rspq_block_t to store RDP commands
 Crdpq_multi_upload_tNon-zero if we are doing a multi-texture upload
 Crdpq_state_tState of the rdpq ucode overlay (partial)
 Crdpq_texparms_tTexture sampling parameters for rdpq_tex_upload
 Crdpq_tileparms_tTile parameters for rdpq_set_tile
 Crdpq_tracking_tRDP tracking state
 Crdpq_tri_edge_data_tPrecomputed information about edges and slopes
 Crdpq_trifmt_tFormat descriptor of a triangle
 Creg_block_tStructure representing a register block
 Creg_block_t.__unnamed33__General purpose registers 1-32
 Cresolution_tVideo resolution structure
 Crsp_layout_tLayout of samples within RSP during combfilter
 Crsp_mixer_channel_tMixer channel state - RSP side
 Crsp_mixer_settings_tMixer ucode settings
 Crsp_queue_tRSP Queue data in DMEM
 Crsp_snapshot_tSnapshot of the register status of the RSP
 Crsp_ucode_tRSP ucode definition
 Crspq_block_tA rspq block: pre-recorded array of commands
 Crspq_ctx_tRSP queue building context
 Crspq_overlay_header_tThe header of the overlay in DMEM
 Crspq_overlay_tA RSPQ overlay ucode. This is similar to rsp_ucode_t, but is used internally to managed it as a RSPQ overlay
 Crspq_overlay_tables_tThe overlay table in DMEM
 Crspq_rdp_mode_tRDP render mode definition
 Crspq_write_tA write cursor, returned by rspq_write_begin
 Crtc_time_tStructure for storing RTC time data
 Csetothermodes_tDecoded SET_OTHER_MODES command
 Cshrinkler_asm_state_tDecompressor state (for assembly)
 Cshrinkler_ctx_tDecompressor state (for C)
 CSI_controllers_origin_tSI GameCube controller origin data for all controller ports
 CSI_controllers_state_tSI controller data for all controller ports
 CSI_origdat_gcSI GameCube controller origin data
 CSI_regs_tRegister definition for the SI interface
 CSP_regs_tRegister definition for the SP interface
 Csprite_cacheCached sprite structure
 Csprite_detail_tSprite detail texture information structure
 Csprite_ext_tInternal structure used as additional sprite header
 Csprite_tSprite structure
 Cstdio_tStandard I/O hook structure
 Csurface_tA surface buffer for graphics
 Csymtable_entry_tSymbol table entry
 Csymtable_header_tSymbol table file header
 Csyscall_handler_entry_tSyscall exception handler entry
 Ctimer_link_tTimer structure
 Ctimer_link_t.__unnamed42__Callback function to call when timer fires
 Cvi_config_tVideo Interface register structure
 CVI_regs_tRegister definition for the VI interface
 Cwav64_compression_tWAV64 pluggable compression algorithm
 Cwav64_header_tHeader of a WAV64 file
 Cwav64_header_vadpcm_tExtended header for a WAV64 file with VADPCM compression
 Cwav64_opus_header_extWav64 Opus header extension
 Cwav64_opus_stateWav64 Opus state
 Cwav64_tWAV64 structure
 Cwav64_vadpcm_vector_tA vector of audio samples
 Cwaveform_tA waveform that can be played back through the mixer
 Cxm64player_tPlayer of a .XM64 file
 Cym5headerHeader of a YM5 file
 Cym64player_songinfo_tStructure containing information about a YM song
 Cym64player_tPlayer of a .YM64 file