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system.c File Reference

newlib Interface Hooks More...

Data Structures

struct  fs_mapping_t
 Filesystem mapping structure. More...


#define STACK_SIZE   0x10000
 Stack size.
#define DEBUG_OUT(x)   ((uint32_t *)0xA4400044)[0] = ((uint32_t)(x))
 Write to the MESS debug register.
#define BITS(v, b, e)   ((unsigned int)(v) << (31-(e)) >> (31-(e)+(b)))
 Extract bits from word.
 Number of buckets file handles are divided into.
 Size of each bucket of file handles.
#define FILENO_MAKE(bkt_idx, bkt_pos, fs_index)   ( (bkt_pos) | ((bkt_idx) << 5) | (((fs_index)+1) << 11) )
 Create a fileno.
#define FILENO_GET_FS_INDEX(fileno)   ((int)BITS( (fileno), 11, 14 ) - 1)
 Extract the filesystem index from a fileno.
#define FILENO_GET_BUCKET_IDX(fileno)   BITS( (fileno), 5, 10 )
 Extract the bucket index from a fileno.
#define FILENO_GET_BUCKET_POS(fileno)   BITS( (fileno), 0, 4 )
 Extract the bucket position from a fileno.
STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR definitions from unistd.h

We can't just include unistd.h as it redefines several of the functions here that we are attempting to replace.

#define STDIN_FILENO   0
 Standard input file descriptor.
#define STDOUT_FILENO   1
 Standard output file descriptor.
#define STDERR_FILENO   2
 Standard error file descriptor.


int close (int fileno)
 Close a file.
int attach_filesystem (const char *const prefix, filesystem_t *filesystem)
 Register a filesystem with newlib.
int detach_filesystem (const char *const prefix)
 Unregister a filesystem from newlib.
int chown (const char *path, uid_t owner, gid_t group)
 Change ownership on a file or directory.
int execve (char *name, char **argv, char **env)
 Load and execute an executable given a path.
void _exit (int rc)
 End execution on current thread.
int fork (void)
 Fork execution into two threads.
int fstat (int fileno, struct stat *st)
 Return stats on an open file handle.
int getpid (void)
 Return the PID of the current thread.
int gettimeofday (struct timeval *ptimeval, void *ptimezone)
 Return the current time.
int isatty (int file)
 Return whether a file is a TTY or a regular file.
int kill (int pid, int sig)
 Send a signal to a PID.
int link (char *existing, char *new)
 Link a new file to an existing file.
int lseek (int file, int ptr, int dir)
 Seek to a location in a file.
int open (const char *file, int flags,...)
 Open a file given a path.
int read (int fileno, char *ptr, int len)
 Read data from a file.
int readlink (const char *path, char *buf, size_t bufsize)
 Read a link.
void * sbrk (int incr)
 Return a new chunk of memory to be used as heap.
int stat (const char *file, struct stat *st)
 Return file stats based on a file name.
int symlink (const char *path1, const char *path2)
 Create a symbolic link to a file.
clock_t times (struct tms *buf)
 Return time information on the current process.
int unlink (char *name)
 Remove a file based on filename.
int wait (int *status)
 Wait for a child process.
int write (int file, char *ptr, int len)
 Write data to a file.
int dir_findfirst (const char *const path, dir_t *dir)
 Find the first file in a directory.
int dir_findnext (const char *const path, dir_t *dir)
 Find the next file in a directory.
int hook_stdio_calls (stdio_t *stdio_calls)
 Hook into stdio for STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR callbacks.
int unhook_stdio_calls (stdio_t *stdio_calls)
 Unhook from stdio.
int hook_time_call (time_t(*time_fn)(void))
 Hook into gettimeofday with a current time callback.
int unhook_time_call (time_t(*time_fn)(void))
 Unhook from gettimeofday current time callback.
void _flush_cache (uint8_t *addr, unsigned long bytes)
 Implement _flush_cache as required by GCC for nested functions.
void __assert_func (const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *failedexpr)
 Implement underlying function for assert()


char * __env [1] = { 0 }
 Environment variables.
void(* __assert_func_ptr )(const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *failedexpr)=0
 Assert function pointer (initialized at startup)
time_t(* time_hook )(void) = NULL
 Function to provide the current time.

Detailed Description

newlib Interface Hooks

Data Structure Documentation

◆ fs_mapping_t

struct fs_mapping_t

Filesystem mapping structure.

This is used to look up what filesystem to use when passed a generic path.

Data Fields
char * prefix Filesystem prefix.

This controls what filesystem prefix should link to this filesystem (eg. 'rom:/' or 'cf:/')

filesystem_t * fs Filesystem callback pointers.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define STACK_SIZE   0x10000

Stack size.

This is the maximum stack size for the purpose of malloc. Any malloc call that tries to allocate data will not allocate within this range. However, there is no guarantee that user code won't blow the stack and cause heap corruption. Use this as loose protection at best.


#define DEBUG_OUT (   x)    ((uint32_t *)0xA4400044)[0] = ((uint32_t)(x))

Write to the MESS debug register.

[in]x32-bit value to write to the MESS debug register


#define FILENO_MAKE (   bkt_idx,
)    ( (bkt_pos) | ((bkt_idx) << 5) | (((fs_index)+1) << 11) )

Create a fileno.

Filenos are created as bitfields containing a few fields.

They contain the indices required to access the handle in handle_map: the bucket index and the position within the bucket where the handle is.

They also contain the filesystem index, so that we always know which filesystem use to operate on the handle. Notice that the index is stored 1-based instead of 0-based, so that the special filenos 1,2,3 (used for stdin, stdout and stderr by C standard libraries) will never conflict with a fileno made by FILENO_MAKE.

POSIX does not specify any specific limit for filenos returned by open(), besides that they need to be non-negative integers. Newlib stores them into a 16-bit signed integer though, so we are actually limited to 15 bits for them.

Function Documentation

◆ close()

int close ( int  fileno)

Close a file.

[in]filenoFile handle of the file to close
0 on success or a negative value on error.

◆ chown()

int chown ( const char *  path,
uid_t  owner,
gid_t  group 

Change ownership on a file or directory.

Not supported in libdragon
[in]pathPath of the file or directory to operate on
[in]ownerNew owner of the file
[in]groupNew group of the file
0 on success or a negative value on error.

◆ execve()

int execve ( char *  name,
char **  argv,
char **  env 

Load and execute an executable given a path.

Not supported in libdragon
[in]nameFilename of the executable
[in]argvArray of pointers to arguments
[in]envArray of pointers to environment variables
0 on success or a negative value on error.

◆ _exit()

void _exit ( int  rc)

End execution on current thread.

This function does not exit. If this is the last thread, the system will hang.
[in]rcReturn value of the exiting program

◆ fork()

int fork ( void  )

Fork execution into two threads.

Not supported in libdragon.
PID of child process if parent, 0 if child, negative value on failure.

◆ fstat()

int fstat ( int  fileno,
struct stat st 

Return stats on an open file handle.

[in]filenoFile handle
[out]stPointer to stat struct to be filled
0 on success or a negative value on error.

◆ getpid()

int getpid ( void  )

Return the PID of the current thread.

Not supported in libdragon.
The PID on success or a negative value on error.

◆ gettimeofday()

int gettimeofday ( struct timeval *  ptimeval,
void *  ptimezone 

Return the current time.

[out]ptimevalTime structure to be filled with current time.
[out]ptimezoneTimezone information to be filled. (Not supported)
0 on success or a negative value on error.

◆ isatty()

int isatty ( int  file)

Return whether a file is a TTY or a regular file.

[in]fileFile handle
1 if the file is a TTY, or 0 if not.

◆ kill()

int kill ( int  pid,
int  sig 

Send a signal to a PID.

Not supported in libdragon.
[in]pidThe PID of the process
[in]sigThe signal to send
0 on success or a negative value on error.

◆ link()

int link ( char *  existing,
char *  new 

Link a new file to an existing file.

Not supported in libdragon.
[in]existingThe path of the existing file
[in]newThe path of the new file
0 on success or a negative value on error.

◆ lseek()

int lseek ( int  file,
int  ptr,
int  dir 

Seek to a location in a file.

[in]fileThe file handle of the file to seek
[in]ptrThe offset in bytes to seek to, given the direction in dir
[in]dirThe direction to seek. Use SEEK_SET to start from the beginning. Use SEEK_CUR to seek based on the current offset. Use SEEK_END to seek starting at the end of the file.
The new location of the file in bytes or -1 on error.

◆ open()

int open ( const char *  file,
int  flags,

Open a file given a path.

[in]fileFile name of the file to open
[in]flagsFlags specifying open flags, such as binary, append.
[in]...mode Mode of the file (currently ignored).
File handle to refer to this file on success, or a negative value on error.

◆ read()

int read ( int  fileno,
char *  ptr,
int  len 

Read data from a file.

[in]filenoFileno for this file
[out]ptrData pointer to read data to
[in]lenLength in bytes of data to read
Actual number of bytes read or a negative value on error.

◆ readlink()

int readlink ( const char *  path,
char *  buf,
size_t  bufsize 

Read a link.

Not supported in libdragon.
[in]pathPath of the link
[in]bufBuffer to read the link into
[in]bufsizeSize of the buffer
0 on success or a negative value on error.

◆ sbrk()

void * sbrk ( int  incr)

Return a new chunk of memory to be used as heap.

[in]incrThe amount of memory needed in bytes
A pointer to the memory or ((void*)-1) on error allocating.

◆ stat()

int stat ( const char *  file,
struct stat *  st 

Return file stats based on a file name.

[in]fileFile name of the file in question
[out]stStat struct to populate with information from the file
0 on success or a negative value on error.

◆ symlink()

int symlink ( const char *  path1,
const char *  path2 

Create a symbolic link to a file.

Not supported in libdragon.
[in]path1Path to symlink to
[in]path2Path to symlink from
0 on success or a negative value on error.

◆ times()

clock_t times ( struct tms *  buf)

Return time information on the current process.

Not supported in libdragon.
[out]bufBuffer to place timing information
Timing information or a negative value on error.

◆ unlink()

int unlink ( char *  name)

Remove a file based on filename.

[in]nameName of the file to remove
0 on success or a negative value on error.

◆ wait()

int wait ( int *  status)

Wait for a child process.

Not supported in libdragon.
[out]statusStatus of the wait operation
0 on success or a negative value on error.

◆ write()

int write ( int  file,
char *  ptr,
int  len 

Write data to a file.

[in]fileFile handle
[in]ptrPointer to buffer to write to file
[in]lenLength of data in bytes to be written
The actual number of bytes written, or a negative value on error.

◆ dir_findfirst()

int dir_findfirst ( const char *const  path,
dir_t dir 

Find the first file in a directory.

This function should be called to start enumerating a directory or whenever a directory enumeration should be restarted.

[in]pathPath to the directory structure
[out]dirDirectory entry structure to populate with first entry
0 on successful lookup or a negative value on error.

◆ dir_findnext()

int dir_findnext ( const char *const  path,
dir_t dir 

Find the next file in a directory.

After finding the first file in a directory using dir_findfirst, call this to retrieve the rest of the directory entries. Call this repeatedly until a negative error is returned signifying that there are no more directory entries in the directory.

[in]pathPath to the directory structure
[out]dirDirectory entry structure to populate with next entry
0 on successful lookup or a negative value on error.

◆ _flush_cache()

void _flush_cache ( uint8_t *  addr,
unsigned long  bytes 

Implement _flush_cache as required by GCC for nested functions.

When using the nested function extensions of GCC, a call to _flush_cache is generated which must be supplied by the operating system or runtime to allow flushing the instruction cache for the generated trampoline.

◆ __assert_func()

void __assert_func ( const char *  file,
int  line,
const char *  func,
const char *  failedexpr 

Implement underlying function for assert()

Implementation of the function called when an assert fails. By default, we just abort execution, but this will be overriden at startup with a function that prints the assertion on the screen and via the debug channel (if initialized).