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Debugging Support | Debugging support through development cartridges and emulators |
▼libdragon | Low level runtime for homebrew development on the N64 platform |
▼Controller Subsystem | Controller and accessory interface |
Controller Pak Filesystem Routines | Managed Controller Pak interface |
Transfer Pak interface | Transfer Pak interface |
Dynamic linker subsystem | Interface to libdl-style dynamic linker |
▼Asset Subsystem | Interfaces for loading assets from ROM or other supports |
DragonFS | DragonFS filesystem implementation and newlib hooks |
▼Audio Subsystem | Interface to the N64 audio hardware |
Audio mixer | Flexible, composable, fast, RSP-based audio mixer |
▼Display Subsystem | Video interface system for configuring video output modes and displaying rendered graphics |
(Deprecated) Old RDP library | Interface to the hardware sprite/triangle rasterizer (RDP) |
Console Support | Software console emulation for debugging and simple text output |
2D Graphics | Software routines for manipulating graphics in a display context |
RDPQ: Hardware-accelerated drawing API | Interface to the RDP (graphics hardware) for 2D/3D rasterization |
▼Peripherals subsystem | Management of serial peripherals, reachable through Joybus |
EEPROM subsystem | Management of EEPROM for saves |
Joybus Subsystem | Joybus peripheral interface |
Real-Time Clock Subsystem | Real-time clock interface |
Fast math routines | Fast math routines, optimized for 3D graphics calculations |
▼Low Level Hardware Interfaces | Low level hardware interface descriptions and functionality |
ROM bundle support | Rompak functions (private API) |
Backtrace (call stack) support | Implementation of functions to walk the stack and dump a backtrace |
DMA Controller | DMA functionality for transfers between cartridge space and RDRAM |
Exception Handler | Handle hardware-generated exceptions |
Interrupt Controller | N64 interrupt registering and servicing routines |
N64 System Interface | N64 bootup and cache interfaces |
RSP: vector coprocessor | RSP basic library and command queue |
Timer Subsystem | Interface to the timer module in the MIPS r4300 processor |
newlib Interface Hooks | System hooks to provide low level threading and filesystem functionality to newlib |