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graphics.c File Reference

2D Graphics More...


#define __set_pixel(buffer, x, y, color)    (buffer)[(x) + ((y) * pix_stride)] = color
 Macro to set a pixel to a certain color in a buffer.
#define __get_pixel(buffer, x, y)    (buffer)[(x) + ((y) * pix_stride)]
 Macro to get a pixel color from a buffer.
#define __get_buffer(disp)   ((disp)->buffer)
 Get the correct video buffer given a display context.


uint32_t graphics_make_color (int r, int g, int b, int a)
 Return a packed 32-bit representation of an RGBA color.
uint32_t graphics_convert_color (color_t color)
 Convert a color structure to a 32-bit representation of an RGBA color.
void graphics_set_color (uint32_t forecolor, uint32_t backcolor)
 Set the current forecolor and backcolor for text operations.
void graphics_draw_pixel (surface_t *disp, int x, int y, uint32_t color)
 Draw a pixel to a given display context.
void graphics_draw_pixel_trans (surface_t *disp, int x, int y, uint32_t color)
 Draw a pixel to a given display context with alpha support.
void graphics_draw_line (surface_t *disp, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, uint32_t color)
 Draw a line to a given display context.
void graphics_draw_line_trans (surface_t *disp, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, uint32_t color)
 Draw a line to a given display context with alpha support.
void graphics_draw_box (surface_t *disp, int x, int y, int width, int height, uint32_t color)
 Draw a filled rectangle to a display context.
void graphics_draw_box_trans (surface_t *disp, int x, int y, int width, int height, uint32_t color)
 Draw a filled rectangle to a display context.
void graphics_fill_screen (surface_t *disp, uint32_t c)
 Fill the entire screen with a particular color.
void graphics_set_default_font (void)
 Set the font to the default.
void graphics_set_font_sprite (sprite_t *font)
 Set the current font. Should be set before using any of the draw function.
void graphics_draw_character (surface_t *disp, int x, int y, char ch)
 Draw a character to the screen using the built-in font.
void graphics_draw_text (surface_t *disp, int x, int y, const char *const msg)
 Draw a null terminated string to a display context.
void graphics_draw_sprite (surface_t *disp, int x, int y, sprite_t *sprite)
 Draw a sprite to a display context.
void graphics_draw_sprite_stride (surface_t *disp, int x, int y, sprite_t *sprite, int offset)
 Draw a sprite from a spritemap to a display context.
void graphics_draw_sprite_trans (surface_t *disp, int x, int y, sprite_t *sprite)
 Draw a sprite to a display context with alpha transparency.
void graphics_draw_sprite_trans_stride (surface_t *disp, int x, int y, sprite_t *sprite, int offset)
 Draw a sprite from a spritemap to a display context.
uint16_t color_to_packed16 (color_t c)
 Convert a color_t to the 16-bit packed format used by a FMT_RGBA16 surface (RGBA 5551)
uint32_t color_to_packed32 (color_t c)
 Convert a color_t to the 32-bit packed format used by a FMT_RGBA32 surface (RGBA 8888)
color_t color_from_packed16 (uint16_t c)
 Create a color_t from the 16-bit packed format used by a FMT_RGBA16 surface (RGBA 5551)
color_t color_from_packed32 (uint32_t c)
 Create a color_t from the 32-bit packed format used by a FMT_RGBA32 surface (RGBA 8888)

Detailed Description

2D Graphics

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ __set_pixel

#define __set_pixel (   buffer,
)     (buffer)[(x) + ((y) * pix_stride)] = color

Macro to set a pixel to a certain color in a buffer.

This macro uses the currently calculated video width as the implicit width of the video buffer, so it is not applicable to be used on arbitrary buffers.
[out]bufferPointer to a uint16_t or uint32_t array treated as a video buffer
[in]xX coordinate in pixels to place the color
[in]yY coordinate in pixels to place the color
[in]colorA 16 or 32 bit color value to set the requested pixel to. Must match the buffer in pixel bit width.

◆ __get_pixel

#define __get_pixel (   buffer,
)     (buffer)[(x) + ((y) * pix_stride)]

Macro to get a pixel color from a buffer.

[in]bufferPointer to a uint16_t or uint32_t array treated as a video buffer
[in]xX coordinate in pixels to grab the color from
[in]yY coordinate in pixels to grab the color from
The 16 or 32 bit color of the pixel at (x, y)

◆ __get_buffer

#define __get_buffer (   disp)    ((disp)->buffer)

Get the correct video buffer given a display context.

[in]dispThe current display context
A pointer to the current drawing surface for the display context