Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- n -
- name : dso_sym_t, entry_structure_t, entry_t, rsp_ucode_t, waveform_t, ym64player_songinfo_t
- nbits : wav64_header_t
- ndigidrums : ym5header
- nesting_level : rspq_block_t
- new_licensee_code : gameboy_cartridge_header
- new_title : gameboy_cartridge_header.__unnamed44__
- next : _callback_link, dso_module_t, rdpq_block_t, timer_link_t
- next_entry : directory_entry_t
- nframes : ym5header, ym64player_t
- nlit : aplib_decompressor_t.partial
- noise_en : AYChannel
- npredictors : wav64_header_vadpcm_t
- ns : AY8910
- num_bytes : eepfs_file_t
- num_entries : header_t
- num_import_syms : dso_module_t
- num_relocs : dso_module_t
- num_syms : dso_module_t, mainexe_sym_info_t
- nwaves : xm64player_t
- nx : rdpq_blitparms_t
- ny : rdpq_blitparms_t